Friday, November 14, 2008

packing up and out

12/13 november 08 is another milestone for us. the freight company came and pack our stuff that is to be shipped to melbourne.
this has been our one and only home here in singapore and to pack up and then leave in about 10 days is a little sad and unsettling for me. in fact, our kids have already moved to my in-laws' place. and there is every likelyhood that we may never set foot to stay here ever again.
i was a little worried that with all the stuff we have, a 20foot container that we rented may not be big enough, despite assurances from our friendly freight agent, april. the anxiety grew by the hour as the boxes continues to accumulate and it seems like there is always something more to pack and load. the 4 gentlemen who worked with clockwork efficiency couldn't finish it in a day even though they tried.
what's interesting was a lot of dirt was unearth in our apartment when things got packed and i also found a few `lost' items. i realized i am not a stickler of cleaniness as i claim to be.
when the boxes were all stacked up at the end of day one, the box count was in excess of 100. no mean feat by the 4 packers.
day 2 began with more of the same; packing and labelling. this time round, the 20' container arrived and the transfering of the boxes began in earnest so they could make space for more packing up.
i was also a little `kiasu' with my beloved bicycles and i started adding padding to the bikes so their paintwork is protected as well as the delicate parts. the packers were a little bemused by my antics, but i am not going to risk anything.
by 3pm, the last box was loaded and when i checked, the container was filled to the brim. if i have another book to be uploaded, it wouldn't go in. when i signed out the packing list, a total of 158 boxes were recorded! what have i accumulated in the 10 odd years i live here?!?
my consolation is that the $6000 is well spent. i look forward to a safe delivery of our house items in melbourne in 5 weeks.
(more pictures below)
a surreal picture. the items on our living room all boxed up, including the lcd tv.

mounting boxes filling up the hall

the red container that awaits the boxes to be loaded up

almost done. taking a breather as the boxes almost take up the entire container

additional TLC for my beloved bianchi. my pegoretti 8.30am received the same preferential treatment

sign-out sheet numbers 158 boxes in total

when the dust settled, the living room is clean once more, but considerably empty

the one the got away. my rear bose speaker stand managed to dodge the packers. it remained hidden in the store room until it is all too late. now, i need to lug this there myself

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