Tuesday, June 2, 2009

One for the memory

the kids have their school pictures taken recently. here they are.

as for the school, we no longer are pre-occupied with grades, CA this and SA that. i am only concerned with 2 things; that i) they are enjoying themselves in school, and ii) they are learning new skillset/knowledge. for kids their age, these are the only things that matters.
shankly chiew

paisley chiew

fagan chiew


  1. Hi, I know where you are coming from when you wrote about SA/CA. I have the privilege of residing both in the west and the east. There is no denying that being bilingual is important now...the east is coming up very strongly and I need not say more about the west. Kids from the east are working very hard and in their time, diligence and hard work count and these virtues have to be cultivated...In their time, the east will be the power house.

  2. Woooo go ming wei!
