i had thought of visiting the usual suspects like forbidden city or the likes, but decided to visit the olympic site instead. when i was last there, it was a piece of `mangled steel' work in progress. so, it will be great to be able to see china's latest pride and joy in the flesh.
i was pleasantly surprised when the concierge told me that i could take line #10 from guomao station (国贸站) where i was at. it's 11 stops away. i was doubly surprised that the ticket still costs 2yuan.
the olympic park is a sprawling place housing 2 of the most outstanding venues of the beijing olympic; the bird's nest and the water cube. i have to admit that i was little flustered by the hot weather. mid-30 degrees celcius is what i have to content with.
the olympic park is a sprawling place housing 2 of the most outstanding venues of the beijing olympic; the bird's nest and the water cube. i have to admit that i was little flustered by the hot weather. mid-30 degrees celcius is what i have to content with.
the bird's nest is now a major tourist attraction; it was reported that it attracts about 30,000 visitors daily from within and abroad. sunday was no different. scores of people were there; some in awe of the structures that lie before their eyes, some eagerly having their pictures taken at all possible angles. some both.
it is indeed an architecture marvel; as with the recent chinese pre-occupation with the beijing landscape reinvention we see around the city.
it is indeed an architecture marvel; as with the recent chinese pre-occupation with the beijing landscape reinvention we see around the city.
i balked at the 50 yuan (a$9) admission ticket into the bird's nest initially but relented anyway since it's not often i come here anyway. interestingly, touts are aplenty 10m from the ticket booth offering the same admission ticket. not sure if the ticket is the real deal, i didn't risk it.
disappointing is how i would describe the visit once i am in. there is nothing that points you to some of the historic moments in the olympics, you are just left to your own devices, wander as you like. there is actually a mammoth stage that's being prepared for the summer concert that's happening on 30.june.
after 15 minutes on the seat marveling at the structure, i walked on the ground of the stadium, on the bitumen that usain bolt set the world alight just 10 months back. thereafter, a visit to the souvenir shop with overpriced items on my way out and my pilgrimage is complete.
i walked over to the water cube but 30 yuan admission fee was enough deterrence for me after the bird's nest experience. that money can get me a different sort of water cube, the thirst quenching kind.
2 yuan and 30 minutes later, i am back in my hotel room for a cold shower.
anywhere else, the bird's nest sign will point to stuff of the edible kind
they are so proud of their high wire act that they left it all intact for all to see.
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