Friday, October 24, 2008

why some might call a folly

i wrote earlier about moving in uncertain times. this is compounded by the fact that i do not have a job secured there (yet). the winds of change put paid to my initial transfer plan but i guess i still have a few months to go as i will get to hold on to my present job till end jan 09.

i have since updated my resume and in fact sent a few job applications out. i am not hopeful for the simple reason that the present environment is not exactly fertile hunting ground for jobs. compounded by the fact that i am still here in singapore, face-to-face interview will not happen till a month from now, so any interests from prospective employer will cool off by then. lastly, i was told nationalistic fervor rules in australia. unlike in singapore, locals do get preferences for job openings. it makes good sense since having a local knowledge is an advantage. (hence, the sooner i immerse myself into australia-lizing myself, the better it is for me)

i think the most important thing for me is to get used to the motion of job application first and stay positive. this is definitely better than doing nothing and brooding over a can of beer.
the possibility of not finding anything there within a prolong period of time is real. this has crossed my mind many times. essentially, i need to make adjustment for me and my family on a lifestyle we are used to now, which is pretty comfortable. i am sure my mum prefers my conservative side winning over me on this one. however, i think we need to act now. next month is as good as any a time to move. otherwise, we will forever be stuck in our comfort zones.

i also received a lot of encouragement and good wishes from friends and relatives, so that kept my chin up.

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